A review of Dundee Cyrenians by Mark Anthony Tierney written on Monday 23rd of July 2012
I've been a flat dweller, off the Old Bell Street Cyrenians and Seagate Cyrenians. I'm looking to pass, on, an apology and love and kindness, to a previous neighbour, at a previous address, for someone and her family, that I care about so much. That may or may not have used the, services off the Dundee Cyrenians. Just to, say Sorry, for everything. Just forgive me. Wherever you are and I long for reconcilliation. If there is anyway I can put any, wrong I did right. I would and will. Thankyou for the good times we had together and the memories, off you, live on, within me. From Mark .
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Map showing Dundee Cyrenians on Soapwork Lane